A collaboration between EdReports and Education First
Efforts to make student experiences more reflective of diverse racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups have been around for decades. And our nation’s ongoing reckoning with racial injustice has created a sense of urgency to ensure learning environments provide grade-level and culturally centered experiences for all students.
To better support educators in their pursuit of these efforts, we know that it is essential to understand the broad set of terms and underpinning research used to discuss this body of work. To do that, EdReports worked with Education First to create a primer that: 1. Defines key terms pertaining to culturally-based education; 2. Explains the implications these terms have for curriculum and instructional materials; and 3. Assesses the state of the culturally-based education field.
EdReports is committed to continuously learning and evolving its approach to best meet the needs of students and educators. We are also committed to sharing what we are learning with the field so that collectively we can work to ensure that all students have access to the highest quality education that will prepare them for the future.