
Donald 0:00 – We have in many ways shut out the voices of teachers and EdReports is inviting teachers back into the fold to have that conversation about curriculum

Audra 00:18 – Publishers used to show up and try to sell you what they have but now there’s a way to kind of look under the hood and decide whether or not it’s something we want in front of our students or not

Jenni 00:18 – I like that EdReports can be trusted. It’s such a diverse group of teachers and educators.

Cynthia 00:31 – We all come to education differently. We all have different years of experience and levels of experience.

Christine 00:35 – Just in one group we had a combined experience of 133 years.

Steve 00:41 – It’s not just one group that’s making these decisions but rather a collective of groups coming together with a common understanding

Donald 00:47 – Once you have a variety of different voices all working toward a common goal powerful things happen

Cynthia 00:51 – I believe

Audra – I believe

Steve 00:53 – I believe that materials

Christine – materials

Jenni – materials

Donald – materials matter